With the many projects that Mr. Bryant is working on, he wanted to begin to brand some of his speaking and teaching materials for greater impact and reach. So in a bit of paying-it-forward (or backward in this case) I fashioned a mark and title block for him to have the beginnings of an identity for his endeavors.
The Purpose Driven Leader series of works will be about the schooling, emotional and moral instruction. Starting with young men in the North Omaha community due to the location of The Wesley House, the message will extend from young men and women to even established adults of all races and ages.

The mark itself shows an instructor organizing a group of young men with his focus on the very young and as they get obviously older, they are further back in the line-up, more and more ready to go out on their own with the lessons learned. The silhouettes are created as much by what is not there as is what is there, allowing the eye and the mind to finish the composition by filling in the gaps. The very strong figure/ground relationship makes it an easily reproducible mark on a variety of mediums.
It began with young men because sadly the statistics are such that it is the young men of the community often pulled into less than favorable situations. By helping the young men of a community, it is often a large help to the community on the whole.
My thanks to Paul Bryant and The Wesley House for the kind reception and the chance to work with them on what is sure to be a growing initiative.
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